York Community High School

35th Reunion Gallery
Bottom Row (L to R): Al Malecha, Karl Koeneman, Wayne (Butch) Strauch, 4?, Tim Manders, Ken Leppla, Don Hill, Jim Kutschke, John Loubsky, Ron Paulson. Row 2: Lynn Sharples, Trish Keller O'Connor, Kate Benzin, Ginny Fricke Vesey, Leni Bullamore, Cristina Kloker Young, Janice Cessford Denehy, Nancy Skinner Hill, Mary Pat Rogers Kutschke, Judy Kincannon, Chloe Cody Berg, Lynne Lindesee, Winnie Orme Harrison. Row 3: Gail Lopatka Stone, Ann Douce Hood, Shelley Thomson Reichle, Kathy Demmit, Karen Sterling Fahnstock, Miriam Schmitt Strong, Fran Weiss Fach, Joan Southon Sanders, Cathy DeMuth Schiele, Janice Janas Milano, Candace Burton, Carole Cray Reed, Charleen Bracht Moore, Kathy Marbarger Hughes, Joyce Kopecky Pilger, Sharon Thorberg Swiglo, Cindy Crosh Christensen, Linda Durkoto Sims (?). Row 4: Ken Townsend, 44?face hidden, 45?, Louis Lineweh, Ron Mochel, Byron Petersen, Bob Carey, Stan Klimek, 51?, Dave Jankowski, Ron Cram, Ron Reinke, Bob Foesterling, Dan Millsap, Don Stibbe, George Stonesifer, 59?. Row 5: Steve Kovatch, 61?, George Wilder, 63?, Bob Seabright, Ed Hackleman, Ray LaFrancis, Joe Konewko, 68?, Carson (Kit) Schuler, Eric Stenberg, Andy Serpico, Jim Anderson, 73?. Contact Trish Keller Harper if you recognize the numbered unnamed classmates or see any spelling or identification errors. Picture contributed by Chloe Cody Berg.